Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Woke up by darling's call today telling me she is reaching my house soon.
Jumped out of bed, ran to the sink, brushed my teeth, took a super super quick shower.
Ding Dong, the bell rang. LOL!
ITS ME AND DARLING'S 2nd month Anniversary!!! Time flies~!
... ...
and who knows, by the time we know it, we had gotten married! LOL!!! *winks winks* <3
And yes, gave her a present!!! ;D Shall not post here. Only my darling knows ;P
Im soooo happy that she gave me a present too!!!
I love it! Thanks!!! So sweet of her to buy a couple present! Shall not say whats that too. ;P
Went out to city area with darling after that.
Watch Alice in the wonderland 3D. Darling and I watched until headache! >.<
Next time don't want watch 3D le.
After movie sent her straight home.
Holding her hands, hugging her, and having her lying on my shoulder just feels so comfortable!
So nice to see you close your eyes and sleep while lying on my shoulder.
Your kiss just makes my heart pound ;X
One word to describe it: AWESOME!
Love is just so great. I love you darling! I miss you!
Muacks! <3
evon: Happy 2 months :D <3 muah. --> Happy 2 months too! I love you darling! Muacks! <3
blogged at: 11:36 PM
Sunday, March 7, 2010

;D <3
blogged at: 6:09 PM
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Went to my dear's house yesterday ;D
So glad to see her! <3 ;mua
Anyway, Baby's mum cooked for me and it was great! Delicious you know XD. Ate till super full. Baby and I then went to watch "Being Human". Funny show. LOL!
Since I have not posted for quite a while, will do some flash back ;D
On Wednesday, its a Wet & Sunny day for us! ;D. One word to describe it: Fun fun fun fun fun! haha! We didn't shop around, neither did we catch a movie. However, we swam together in my swimming pool! Went to tan and swim. And so, GF and me got sunburn. LOL
It was an enjoyable day!!! Right right right, my dear? ;D
xuhaio: winston ar winston, tsk tsk. take photo of kiss for what? suan people or what sia. xuhaio: =.="
evon: O.o
Ben_z: wah winston, c lah got ppl jealous le siol.. haiz haiz
aaron: lol. eh, ppl not jealous la. he so pro cfm got alot alot of girl kiss him de la. so jealous for what? hey bro, the most no one kiss i kiss you ok
mr.vinegar: ouuhh .. can you smell the vinegar.. aiya .. so despo for kiss pay 120 get more then kiss .. swee boh
YAS: siol ah.. xuhaio nothing better to do... u cannot get kissed then jealous of ppl getting kisses... haisss...
--> HAHA! Nice one la guys. Eh xuhao, don't like the pics then dont view. Don't have to view le then comment. See the cross on top? Don't like see then click on it. As simple as ABC :)
blogged at: 12:51 PM