Monday, November 30, 2009
Hello! :D
We passed the love party and our ring was upgraded.
Going to get the next ring soon! hahaha.
Anyway November is ending soon.
Time flies~
Will be going out tomorrow again!
Bye! :D
germaine: hello winston!! hope you're enjoying yr holidays! --> Hello Germaine!!! Surprised that you drop by and tag!!! YES! It's great! :D Thanks! Hows yours???
blogged at: 12:09 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hello All! :D
Completed the wedding license without any difficulty! XD
Below attached are the pictures! (Taken from Evon's blog =X Thanks! )
Here we go! :D Waiting for everyone to arrive. And we are left with a few more minutes before patch! >.<

AND The Wedding BEGINS!!! :D

Arrival of the bride and groom! <3



AND THE THRID SYNC PERFECT!!! ITS LIKE WHAO!!! JUST WITHIN 5 MOVES FROM THE START OF THE WEDDING! LOL! One word, EASY! XD Because Our synchronisation is really good! <3 :D

Flowers thrown!!! Congratulation ~Lightx3! You lucky girl! Haha!


Commemorate our Wedding! :D <3

Typed by -Eloquent. My reply: I will not only tell you, but also prove to you by action, that no matter what happen, you will still be the ONE I LOVE! ;duh <3

=D <3
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qiqi: yaya... the friends we mix with really IMPORTANT... so m i a good friend?? hehe... --> HAHA! Of course you are! :D
blogged at: 10:10 PM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The friends we mix with is really important.
It affects our thinking and our behaviour.
They can lead you astray but they can also guide you to the right path :)
Sometimes you need good friends to guide you.
You need friends to look out for you.
You need friends to help you.
To help you differentiate the right and wrong, To guide you back to the right path, And to knock sense into you to prevent us from falling into a deeper trap, ... When you are blinded.
I'm glad to have such friends there for me :)
Thanks Aaron, Zhi Zheng and many others :)
blogged at: 8:58 PM
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I don't like it.
I hate it in fact.
But I have no choice, do I ?
Anyway, I watched 2012 with Evon and Hx yesterday! The show is super long! LOL! Sat till my butt pain! >.<
And, my lunch is nice!!! Delicious and filling! :D
Alright. I shall stop here!
peisi: hiii hii... i rmb to tag... --> Haha! Hello! Yea! Glad you did! LOL!
blogged at: 11:22 AM
Saturday, November 14, 2009
You think I dumb eh? -.-
Whatever. Can't really be bothered already.
Anyway yesterday really suay. Friday the 13th. ZZZ.
Really bad luck I tell you.
Can remember asking Aaron. "Friday the 13th. Very unlucky one right? " I can't remember his full reply. But he replied something like "ya."
Yesterday keep getting drench! LOL! Lucky today never sick >.<
Okay. I go le. See ya :D
blogged at: 4:42 PM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hello all :)
Don't really know what to post. I think I should just have a good sleep tonight.
I really wonder...
I used to believe that it is better to say out what we are uncertain of. Do you all think I am right?
blogged at: 10:05 PM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I remember something. Something that was once shown to me.
Here it goes:
When everything is down, rest if you must, but don't quit. Life is queer with its turns and downs. It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
I have been really tired.
I need a break. A proper rest...
Shall sleep early tonight.
blogged at: 7:53 PM
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Someone said my blog is dead. Lols.
Went out with Evon and Hui Xin today to celebrate Evon's birthday =)
Evon, Hope you enjoyed yourself today! :) Finally seventeen! Grow up le wor. Don't be sad. Seventeen doesn't mean that you are old! It means that you are getting more mature! haha. You have grown up ! :) Stay sweet! =D
We watched Jennifer's Body today. I love the theme song! LOL. Here it goes:
All alone in an empty room nothing left but the memories of when I had my best frIend I don't know how we ended up here I don't know but it's never been so clear We made a mistake, dear. And I see the broken glass in front of me I see your shadow hangIng over me and your face, I can see...
Through the trees I wIll find you; I wIll heal the ruins left inside you cuz I'm stIll here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathIng now... untIl I'm set free. Go quiet through the trees
I remember how we used to talk about the places we would go when we were off and all that we were gonna find. And I remember our seeds grow and how you cried when you saw the first leaves show. The love was pouring from your eyes.
So can you see the branches hanging over me? Can you see the love you left inside of me? in my face can you see?
Through the trees I will find you; I will heal the ruins left inside you. Cuz I'm still here breathing now I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... until I'm set free. Go quiet through the trees.
Cuz you're not coming back And you're not coming back No-oo.. No-oo.. No You're not coming back... You're not coming back...
Take my breath as your own Take my eyes to guide you home
Cuz I'm still here breathing now... I'ms till here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... And I'm still here...
Cuz I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... And I'm still here..
Cuz I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... I'm still here breathing now... And I'm still here..
But you're not coming back. And you're not coming back. Cuz you're not coming back until I'm set free Go quiet through the trees.
qiqi: cheer up :p --> Okay thanks! :)
blogged at: 9:11 PM