Thursday, May 28, 2009 It is the 28th of May! ... 28th of May. 1 more day to school and it is holiday!!! I was looking forward to holiday actually but now I don't! =X I wish I have another week of school. LOL. A joke for all of you first! =P One Singh was enjoying the sun at the beach in America. A lady came and asked him, 'Are you relaxing?' Singh answered, ' No, I am Banta Singh.' Another guy came and asked him the same question. Singh answered, 'No No Me Banta Singh!' Third one came and asked him the same question again. Singh was totally annoyed and decided to shift his place. While walking, he saw another Singh soaking in the sun. He went up to him and asked, 'Are you Relaxing?' The other Singh was a lot more educated and answered, 'Yes, I am relaxing.' The Singh slapped him on his face and said, Stupid, idiot. Everyone is looking for you and you are sitting over here!' ------------------------------------- Funny isn't it ?! =P Thanks to Aaron's email. haha. Shall post something that happened in the MRT few days back. Two aunties were sitting beside me and they started quarrelling for no apparent reason! One of them was just trying to be kind to tap her and tell her to lean back. The other auntie got so mad over it and created a scene. I don't know if I should say the auntie is kind or busybody though. lol. Anyway I don't really care as it really entertains me for a while xD Well, today was filled with laughter and jokes again. Really had a good day! =D As usual, the physics tutorial is always very interesting due to the hilarious teacher and students. LOL! Okay! Going for chalet tomorrow! =D Shall sleep early as I don't think I will be sleeping there xD Looking forward to it! AND AND AND, I have a goal, I have a target, I have a dream! =D I believe all of you have them too! Right? =D (I know this is random) 280509 blogged at: 10:06 PM Saturday, May 23, 2009 Please repeat again This is sufficient enough In actual fact, I am aware of it. Do they look familiar to you? Have you used them before? haha. If you did and you are still using them now, better start changing! =D Please repeat This is sufficient In -------------------------------------------------- I didn't have the chance to post this few days. Will take this chance to summarise some of the events that happened! =D On Thursday, I was in the train on my way back home. At one of the station, a guy walked in and sat beside me. I was oblivious to the surrounding as I was having my own thoughts and listening to musics. Then, a few knocks brought me back. The guy beside me was actually dozing off. His head was going towards my direction. I did not actually mind at first because I actually experienced that before and I really irritated the person beside me. I was quite embarrassed after that xD However, that guy's head stop and it seems like he is lying on my shoulder (just like how a girl places her head on her guy's shoulder sleeping soundly) I felt irritated and I was thinking if I should just change seat. Then, I noticed a girl sitting next to the sleeping guy was staring at us. Something in the girl's stare told me that it really looks wrong. lol. Left with no choice, I've decided to bring my body forward to prevent people from getting the wrong idea! =X On Friday, I went bowling with Wei Hao, Guan Xun and some of their classmates =) Went off with Wei Hao after that to meet my cell group members for bowling again! =D It has been more than a month since I last saw them. Time flies huh? Aaron joined us too! Really enjoyed myself there! =D Summer test is straight after the June holiday! I must really really treasure the time! =D I would like to take this chance to wish all my sec 4 and 5 friends who are taking their 'O' lvl Chinese in about a week time all the best!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU! ^_^ Clear it once and for all so you can focus on other subjects after that! =) BYE! =) 230509 blogged at: 9:40 PM Monday, May 18, 2009 Feeling very very tired the past few days. I need a break! X.X Anyway June holiday is coming and I am looking forward to it!!! =D Had GP lecture today and I find something quite interesting! =D It is going to be long but I will just type it out. The following paragraph contains 6 fallacies though =D All teenage boys love to read "Playboy" magazines. I read "Playboy" magazine, and I don't see how it could be harmful. Many important people, including the editors and writers of "Playboy", entertainers who have been interviewed by the magazine and the women who have posed in it, apparently agree. Feminists, however, disagree. Ever since feminists began attacking our popular culture, the moral foundation of our society has been weakened. If feminists would just cease their hysterical opposition to sex, relationships in our society will improve. If feminists insist on banning pornography, men will have no freedom and no pleasure left, and large numbers of women will be jobless and will have to work as prostitutes to support themselves. How can anyone be so ignorant and narrow-minded to dismiss pornography in light of these consequences? The paragraph above is a direct copy of the lecture notes given to us to provide us with examples of the various fallacies. It is not written by me! lol. I just find this paragraph very interesting so I have decided to share it will all of you! =P And And And I disagree with the paragraph uh!!! =D 180509 blogged at: 10:30 PM Saturday, May 16, 2009 SO SO SO much changes now. The J2s have stepped down and the familiar faces, voices, smiles, shouts, laughter and gossips are gone. Such a waste. I must admit I do miss all of that though I just attended a few training with them as I used to be a visitor last year! xD Lots of changes this year. The warmth, the friendliness, the faces and how "open" they are. There are much much more things that I felt but I don't think I will post it here to prevent my whole post from being very depressed! =X Anyway, I'm glad that my current class is fun! Full of jokers around. LOL! Each has their own unique personality which really allow us to entertain each other! haha! The subject tutors are really good at teaching too! NOT ONLY THAT! They are really good at entertaining us as well!!! Unconsciously of course! xD BUT... I just don't like one of the teachers in this college. I don't want to state the name. The teacher is just too strict, quite bias, ignorant, and has attitude problem. Some how the teacher just can't take jokes! NO SENSE OF HUMOUR! The mindset is just screwed up la! =X Didn't have volleyball training today(150509) as it was raining heavily! Had dinner with Aaron before going home =) And yes, before that, I was talking to Sukanyaa as well. Sukanyaa, don't get me wrong okay! LOL! There is nothing wrong with my phrasing. It's just that you tend to interpret it wrongly!!! xD Okay! It is late and I want to sleep!!! GOOD NIGHT READERS!!! =D 150509 blogged at: 12:34 AM Tuesday, May 12, 2009 This post will be specially for my cousin!!! =D CONGRATULATION COUSIN YU YAN FOR GRADUATING FROM POLY AND AND AND SECURING A PLACE IN NUS AND WAS OFFERED A PLACE IN PHARMACY!!! I REPEAT, PHARMACY!!! =D SO GOOD!!! Once again, CONGRATULATION!!! You have a bright future ahead!!! Envy you luh!!! xD Looking forward to see you soon!!! =D 120509 blogged at: 11:04 PM Monday, May 11, 2009 It is time! ...... ---------------------------------------- Anyway, I have changed my blogskin again! =D Is it nice? lol. Some people told me it is still alright. But you have to view using Internet Explorer. There will be some problems with Firefox. Oh well, I woke up with a great headache in the morning due to the bad sleep I had last night so I didn't attend the CIP thing. 11th May is going to be over soon. It is just so fast. Be it happy or sad, be it painful or sweet, be it short-term or long-term, memories of your past will just keep increasing. haha. Or shall I say we are getting closer and closer to our dreams and goals! =D More and more able to have a family of our own! =) What do you aspire to be? What are your dreams? Ever thought of your future? I'm sure you had. If not, better start thinking and planning now!!! =D There will be many many obstacles you will face in life. You might fall, get hurt. Learn from it, make sure that you will not make the same mistake again! =) AND, you will get stronger, much much stronger in fact, if you are able to stand up and continue the "race"! =D ---------------------------------------- It takes two hands to clap. Agree? haha. 110509 blogged at: 4:38 PM Saturday, May 9, 2009 Greetings to all!!! lol Have been feeling rather bored these few days. It's already the 9th of May! Almost half a year have past!!! Fast Fast Fast! Ever heard of this idiom "Great minds think alike"? Foolish people think alike too!!! LOL! This is something new that I heard from my teacher! haha! Anyway, I'm really glad that I managed to jump a distance of 255cm for Standing Broad Jump and it's an A !!! =D AND I came across an email and I shall share it with all of you! =D 'When we said, 'I wish you enough', we want the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them'. Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory. I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear. I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more. I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting. I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger. I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting. I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess. I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye. The two paragraphs above is a direct copy of a part of the email. TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND COUSINS, I wish you enough!!! ^_^ 090509 blogged at: 10:10 PM Friday, May 1, 2009 School holiday!!! It is labour day today! =D I am finally able to wake up later than usual and have a good good rest! Just woke up from a long nap... I had a dream. A dream that I never thought I would dream of. It is just so real. So, so real... How I wish that was a reality but sadly, I know that will never, never happen. Ah, enough of this. Everything shall be down to history ... forever. Alright, shall change the topic. Yesterday's assembly was unexpected! lol. Didn't expect Asiasoft's staff to be down to give us a talk together with Synmatec staffs. I must say I am rather surprised to see them in our college for assembly. Truth be told, it is kind of tempting when various games compiled in a CD was given to the students as souvenir. =X It really saves the students' effort to download them from the website. All we have to do is to insert the CD and click install! xD Of course, I have already decided to quit playing online games for the time being due to a number of reasons. So, I don't think the CD will be put to any use! haha. As what I always said, time flies. So, treasure whatever you have and do things to your fullest. Learn from mistakes, move forward, never turn back and regret as you will never be able to buy back the time you need or the things you had when it is gone. Just realised that it is already the month of May while checking the date to end this post xD 010509 blogged at: 5:09 PM |
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