Sunday, November 23, 2008
Didn't attend the Asia Conference today. Pastor A.R Bernard did the grand finale today and Lin Jun Jie will be coming to sing..! Such a waste I can't go.
Yesterday's miracle night with Pastor Benny Hinn was really great. So many people specially came for his service !!! I almost didn't manage to enter Hall 8.
Alright. Here are two pictures of the queue I took the previous day.

A lot of people right? Had to skip dinner just to queue! xD
blogged at: 10:46 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
Have been going to Asia Conference these few days..! Its really really good ! The elective workshops, the service, everything is just great. Anyway, WELCOME ASIANS who came all the way to City Harvest Singapore..!!! =D I know they will not be able to see it but I just want to post it out..! =)
Went to Adam's Khoo communication workshop in the morning on thursday... Its useful too! =)
Alright. I better sleep now. Its already 1:20 a.m. Still have to wake up early later in the morning. Good Night!!! =D
blogged at: 12:43 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008
#1-The person that tagged you is? Sheryl-Anne
#2-For people who care and love you,say something to them. Thanks. Love u too. =)
#3-Pass this quiz to 10 ppl you wish to know how they feel about.
1.Lian Li 2.Xinni 3.Jermaine 4.Pei Si 5.Jesslyn 6.Christianna 7.Martin 8.Cti-nHUDA 9.Magdaline 10.Zi Yue
#4-Who is number 6 having a relationship with? LOL. I don't know.
#5-If number 7 and number 10 were together would that be a good thing? No! They would be gay if they were together X.X
#6-What is number 2 studying about? Secondary school subjects.
#7-When was the last time you had a chat with number 3? Eh. It's been quite some time since we chatted. Cannot rmb alr...
#8-What kind of music does number 8 like? lol. Not sure.
#9-Does number 1 have any siblings? I think so...
#10-Will you woo number 3? Definitely NO!
#11-How bout number 7? Definitely NO too! LOL.
#12-Is number 4 single? Yeap I think so.
#13-What is the surname of number 5? Han
#14-What is a hobby of number 10? Wa. I don't know lei. Pool?
#15-Do number 5 and number 9 get along well? They don't know each other. But I believe they will.
#16-Where is number 2 studying at? Swisscottage secondary!!! I won't forget alr xD
#17-Where does number 9 live? Jurong if I rmb correctly O.o
#18-What colour does number 4 like? Light blue. I think.
#19-What is number 10 doing now? Studying in school...
blogged at: 11:27 AM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Just came home from the service. Today's service was really good. I'm truly amazed by the video on Pastor Benny..! Really looking forward to see Pastor Benny during the Asia Conference week !!! =D Saw my secondary schoolmates too!!! All of them change so much! I had dinner at Popeye Chicken after service with some of S35 members. The food there are quite nice. You all should try it out ! =)
Sheryl-Anne, you really seem like day dreaming okay. hahaha. And cheer up too..! Don't get so upset because of your friend alright?! =)
Jeanette is really good at debating. I'm sure she scored really well for GP..! Must learn from her xD
Will be playing pool with Wei Hao on Monday. Will not have a chance to pool with him once school reopen. Haiz...
Alright. I shall end here...
blogged at: 11:35 PM
Had Adam Khoo's workshop for the past 3 full days. Trust me, its really good. I was really really motivated by Adam's speech. Learn a lot of things too..! I'm sure those who had gone through this workshop would have felt the same way too! =) Two of his trainers, Andrea and Gary were really good too..! Andrea taught us skills in an enjoyable way and Gary is super funny. Kept laughing throughout his whole session. Really enjoy it! =D
Aaron and Ben. We must work hard together. OWN THE CLASS NEXT YEAR!!! =P
Cell group meeting was really fun today (14/11/08). By the way Xinying will be giving me bible study the following week! =D I'm looking forward to tomorrow's service (15/11/08)!!!
blogged at: 12:05 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Now, I shall talk about the new cell group I went to yesterday. My previous cell group N329 multiplied and therefore the members had to split. Currently I got to know 9 of S35 members! AND I'm glad to say that all 9 of them are super nice!!! ^^
Bryan, Hooper and Shaun were from N329. I was really glad when I saw them. The new friends I made were Daniel, Kenneth, Rachel, Sheryl, Shirleen and Xinying. Rachel was the first person I was introduced to. She is really friendly..! Really want to thank Xinying for driving me home too. =D Really appreciate it..!
N I saw your blog, Sheryl Anne..! Thanks! =D Okay I shall comment you back xD You're a nice and sweet girl. Super sociable and friendly..! ^^ Really glad that I got to know you. (Better say thanks okay! =P )
S35. My new cell group! ^^
blogged at: 3:10 PM
Hey hey..! Lazy to post something the last few days... Okay. I shall briefly describe the chalet.
The chalet was really fun though I lost some $$$ while playing polka cards X.X We spent our whole night playing polka =D Oh yea... We wanted to explore Old Changi Hospital(OCH) at night. However, as we reached the entrance, there was a sign, "Those who trespassed will be prosecuted". (something like that) The surrounding plus the signboard makes us start to change our mind. So eventually we went back xD
For the last day, we played pool and bowling! Not all of them went to play bowling though. But it was fun..! lol. Will post the picture as soon as I get it from Yee Da. =D
blogged at: 3:04 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
HELLO ALL!!! =D I know I have not been blogging for quite some time xD I am back now!!!
Finally the project work has ended. FINALLY!!! ^^ Well... The presentation was alright today though I screwed up the Q&A section X.X And the audience were really good!!! Really want to thank them for being such a great audience..!
Going to chalet tomorrow with my classmates. I'm sure its going to be fun! =D No girls will be there tomorrow... BUT since its all boys, I believe that it will be super fun too!!! =D Of coz it will be better if there are girls going =X
Have to reach school by 9.45 a.m. to hand up the I&R too..! Troublesome Troublesome...
Looking forward to the chalet tomorrow.........!! =D
blogged at: 8:21 PM