Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Hey all !! I know I didn't update for quite some time already! Our class size is getting smaller! Lennart was the first to leave follow by Zi Yue who left a few days ago. So sad la! >.< Our class already have so little people even with our full strength and now we are even smaller. Zi Yue, must meet up soon! =) Anyway I still have math and econs test tomorrow. Have to get back to my revision now. CYA!! =D ------------------------------------------- C++: void main(void) { int school, JC, Poly; cout << "1: JC, 2: Poly \n\n"; cout << "Please enter the number of your current school: "; cin >> school; if (school == 1) { cout << "JC LIFE = NO LIFE! \n"; } else if (school == 2) { cout << "ENJOY! \n"; } else { cout << "Not Sure \n"; } cout << endl; system("pause"); } 260808 blogged at: 10:43 PM Sunday, August 17, 2008 Though Singapore lost in the match against China today, I believe they already did their best!! Its been 48 years and now we finally got a silver medal through table tennis!! =D Singapore put up a great fight against China! Congratulations Singapore!! Have to go to school tomorrow. Haiz.. How I wish its holiday now!! x.x 170808 blogged at: 10:17 PM Saturday, August 16, 2008 The Singapore vs Korea semi-final match is super nice alright!!! =D Though Li Jia Wei lose to the korea lady, I believe she did her best already! The Korea lady is very good okay. She can return the balls that Li Jia Wei smashed. Anyway Singapore will be playing against China tomorrow! GO SINGAPORE!! 160808 blogged at: 11:32 PM Tuesday, August 12, 2008 A) people who have been tagged must write their answer on their blog. B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by C) Continue this game by sending it to other people. Tagged by : Jermaine ( want to know more about him? look at question 13 =P ) 01. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? Ans: lol. dont know? 02. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? Ans: Dont want tell! =x 03. What will you want your dream wedding to be like? Ans: Too early to think of that. 04. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? Ans: Nop!! 05. What's your ideal lover like? Ans: Hmm.... Dont know how to say =P 06. Which is more blessed? Ans: I don't understand this question >.< 07. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? Ans: Ermmm... Dont know? 08. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? Ans: lol. change target la. 09. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Ans: Duh. 10. Is being tagged fun? Ans: Yeap! =D 11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time? Ans: Never think till so far. 12. Who are currently the most important people to you? Ans: Friends and family around me! =D 13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is? Ans: LOL HONGSTER!! 14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor? Ans: LOL. Both also don't want. Can I be rich and married? xD 15. What's the first thing you do every morning? Ans: Brush my teeth. 16. Would you give all in a relationship? Ans: haha. most likely yes.. but it really depends who the girl is xD 17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick? Ans: lol. Nonsense. xP 18. What type of friends do you like? Ans: Friends that are already my friends. 19. What type of friends do you dislike? Ans: People that I am unwilling to make friend with! =D Tagged to Quiz : -RANDOM- blogged at: 11:11 AM Sunday, August 10, 2008 Jermaine!! Better break your record and last long with Tiffany! xD Yesterday's conversation super lame. Still want record down what Martin say. lol. Went out today and here's a pic where we slack xD. ![]() Lazy to post some more. Cya!! =)) 100808
blogged at: 3:32 PM Friday, August 8, 2008 School ended early today!! The celebration was quite nice but I cant hear anyone around me singing the national day song!! Such a waste x.x Aaron, Ben and me went straight to Far East Plaza after the celebration because Aaron wanted to buy some things. I saw some tanglinians there!! One of them seems quite familiar to me!! But I didn't want to go over and randomly ask that person. x.x Went back to Jurong Entertainment centre to ice skate. Meet up with Yee Da and we went in first as Guan Xun, Ibam, Wei Hao and Zi Yue were still at Bukit Batok playing pool. I had a great time skating there! =D I don't know about the rest. I hope they did! xD Anyway. That is all for today and I am super tired now! Sleeping time!! =) 080808 blogged at: 11:40 PM Wednesday, August 6, 2008 Met Javier at cwp after school today. On our way back, Javier suddenly asked if I would like to watch movie. Of course I said okay! xD We watched Money not Enough 2!! =D The granny so poor thing! She even sacrificed herself for her granddaughter eventually. Such a sad ending for the granny. I really pity her. I will never ever do that to my parent next time!! x.x Ate at KFC after that. Saw Nicholas and Yan Ling. Not bad uh still together! Last long alright! =D Super tired today. Shall not continue posting. BYE! 060808 blogged at: 10:10 PM Sunday, August 3, 2008 I'm soooo bored. Going through the same thing over and over again every day. Haiz..... Anyway, I would like to CONGRATULATE Aaron!! =D STEAD WITH WAN TING LE UH!! Stead on the day of your birthday. Must be your best birthday present! xD Stay sweet together uh! AND AND AND Last long. =) By the way sorry uh. Haven't buy your birthday present x.x But I will give you your birthday present soon! =)) Nothing much to post about. Soooooo bored. Cya ALL! 030808 blogged at: 3:11 PM |
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