Thursday, July 31, 2008 A short short post for the end of this month! =D I am super pleased with myself today as I managed to stop taking taxi to school in the morning!! =D Had been wasting quite a lot a lot of money for the past 3 weeks! >.< It is time for me to start saving money! tata~ 310708 blogged at: 11:11 PM Sunday, July 27, 2008 I went for taekwondo competition today. Met up with Ahmad, Alvin, Ben, Jia Cheng, Titus and Zhen Kang at Toa Payoh MRT. We were supposed to take bus 139 all the way to Whampoa CC. However, we read the map wrongly and alighted too early! >.< Walk for quite a distance and we decided to take a bus to Whampoa CC. Two teams from our school were sent to participate. My team participated in the senior blue category and the other team participated in the senior yellow category. Guess what?! We got 2nd for the senior blue category and 4th for the senior yellow category!! Good right?! lolz. Anyway, Singapore Poly got 1st for the senior blue category. They were amazingly good! x.x We ate at Macdonald and went home after that. Did a little preparation for the short speech tomorrow! xD CYA! =)) 270708 blogged at: 10:58 PM Wednesday, July 23, 2008 I just need to focus!! Time is running out soon! x.x Anyway I shall post about what happen on Monday. Met Gladys, Mei Yan, Ray and Shi Min at Woodlands Burger King. Eat and chat for a while before boarding one of the bus. I am not very sure where it is heading xD Anyway half way through someone tio tai ji. Alighted the bus and rushed down to Jurong West via taxi. Don't really want to describe in details x.x Went to Jurong Point after that. Saw a few of their "sisters" or friends. Not very sure also xD Slack slack for a while and then I somehow managed to convince them to eat at Jurong East. Went back to my house to sign a contract while Shi Min went to see doctor and Mei Yan accompanied her. Gladys and Ray waiting for us at Jurong MRT. Gladys had a little mood swing at first x.x but she was much better when we went back and tempt her by talking about the cheese on the pizza. Ate at pizza hut, went to arcade after that and went straight home. Had fun going out with all of you! =DD 230708 blogged at: 11:18 PM Sunday, July 20, 2008 1st day:190708 Woke up early in the morning to meet Anish, Wei Hao, Wei Lin and Zi Yue at Jurong East Mrt station at 6.30 a.m. Went to Harborfront MRT and met up with Aaron and Ben and we went to have out breakfast at Mcdonald. All of us gather at one spot where Mr Jeffery Lim spoke to us. He scolded one of them and said we are the first group that he has to scold.(But eventually we turned out to be the best among all of them alright! xD we had more than the scheduled time to play and shop!!) He told us the rules and what we had to do. The ferry trip was about 1 hour. It was a very very good time to sleep!! =P Reached Batam and we checked in a beach resort. Its like a hotel alright! 4 person per room. My room-mate was Aaron, Ben and Wei Hao. Lucky Miss Lim didn't allocate our room-mate and allow us to chose ourselves! =D The room is quite spacious. Had our lunch in a room. It's not really tasty though x.x We went straight to the orphanage and we started working. I'm supposed to mixed the cement. It is quite tiring but fun!! =D Some girls were supposed to interact with the children while the rest will do some painting. Guyz are not allowed to do the interaction as we are not suppose to touch the kids. Was talking crap in the bus. My class were laughing and laughing all because of Zi Yue's sentence. xD Back to our resort. We washed up and went straight to mega mall to play and shop! Some of us went to the arcade. Had fun playing with Anish, Ghaus, Ibam, Kenny, Wei Hao, Wei Lin, Yee Da and Zi Yue there =D Back to our resort and we had buffet for our dinner and debrief. I was called out during the debrief session to give some comments on the trip to the orphange x.x ![]() We were supposed to be back to our room by 11.30 p.m. Anyway, we went to Miss Lim (our form teacher) room to hold a farewell party for Zi Yue. Miss Lim's room is big alright! lolz. Her bed room is equivalent to our room! x.x We played some game and Aaron had to do some forfeit. He was supposed to sing a song at the lobby xD 2nd day: 200708 Woke up early in the morning to bathe and prepare for breakfast. Proceed to the orphanage again to give donation. Then we went to mega mall again! Had my lunch in pizza hut with Aaron, Poy, Sukanyaa and Miss Lim. Pitoon was there chatting with us too! The charges are quite cheap over there. Bought a dozen of J.CO donuts over there as it is really really cheap and the donuts are nice! Proceeded back to Singapore via ferry. It took approximately another 1 hour to reach. The ferry stopped in the middle of the sea as the engine got stuck by some dirts. They took about 15 minutes to clear the dirts. Aaron, Anish, Ben, Ghaus, Guan Xun, Wei Hao and me wanted to watch the The Dark Knight. However the timing doesn't suit us. Aaron, Anish and Ghaus went home while the rest of us went to Carls Jr. Went straight home after that via MRT. I really enjoyed this CIP trip. The environment and culture in Batam is so much different from Singapore. I am really lucky to be born in Singapore! Okay I still have school tomorrow. I better sleep now! =D 200708 blogged at: 11:19 PM Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Was having a nice chat with my dad just now. I really envy him!!! >.< How nice if I have his intelligence. Anyway, thank you for supporting and helping me all this while. I love you dad! <3 Alright. I shall post the events on Sunday since i didn't had the chance to post about it. I met up with Ben, Wei Hao and Kenny for PW discussion. After that Ben, Wei Hao and me went to play pool! Wei Hao kept on winning me. Ben won me too!! >.< Never mind! Next time I will win both of you!! xD I just couldn't concentrate on that day. (Not trying to find an excuse okay! =P) I do agree that both of them are good in pool though! =) Alright. Its late now and I better sleep if not I will be sooooo tired again. GOOD NITE!! =)) 150708 blogged at: 12:24 AM Friday, July 11, 2008 Hi all! I reached school late today because I got an MC. I went to school and pass up all my homework okay! xD See. I so guai right? =P I went to help Aaron today as he got to go for CWO. You know what we do for CWO? Arrange chairs. Then, Aaron was suppose to roll up a long long measuring tape! Its really long okay. Its even longer than the length of the canteen. Aaron, correct me if I am wrong x.x Actually we completed rolling up the measuring tape at 5pm. Guess what? Aaron accidentally push the middle portion and we got to redo the whole thing again. It was 5.30pm by the time we finished rolling it up. It was fun helping Aaron with the CWO though xD Went to Admiralty to meet up with Jermaine, Gladys and Ray. Slack there for a moment and we went straight to KTV party world at Woodlands Civic Centre. Stephanie and Alvin joined us after a short while. I really had fun today =) BYE All! 110708 blogged at: 11:58 PM Wednesday, July 9, 2008 I shall just start with this part of my day: I was scrolling down my msn when I saw an unfamiliar msn. I thought she is just one of my online friend at first because she told me she also played maple when I asked . I was shocked when she asked me if I am from _JC. (Don't want to post the school name due to some reasons). Then I realised she is my school mate!! Such a coincidence huh? xD Well. Back to other things. Erm. I don't really know how to express in words. Just comment a little. Though the answer is not an answer that I would like to have, but I would say it ended quite alright. (as in the tone is not tense and awkward x.x) I am glad that it ended in a friendly way rather than a tense and awkward way. Friends forever =) CYA ALL! 090708 blogged at: 11:45 PM Monday, July 7, 2008 Till today, I still do not know what actually happen that day. Just a day and there is a total change. Haiz.. The chances are getting slimmer and slimmer each day but my feelings still remain the same. Do something? It is like a gamble where you know the percentage of winning is quite slim and there will be consequences. How I know that the chances are slim? By observing the behaviour, and other things. Give up? My heart tells me not to do so. Therefore I will not... till I know the answer. Okay I shall stop talking about that. =( Anyway I would like to congratulate Aaron! =) I cannot post more about it because it is suppose to be a secret! xD Do you all know what does lj comments stand for? I bet what u all are thinking now is what I thought that was! xD Actually it stands for livejournal comments x.x just learn about it from Germaine a few days ago. lolz 070708 blogged at: 8:10 PM Sunday, July 6, 2008 I will lift my heart and sing I will worship You my King Earth and Heaven now proclaim Jesus Christ the mighty name Through the storm and raging sea I will never be alone When my hope seems out of sight I know You will shine Your light Alleluia (x3) Alleluia to Christ the Lord I will lift my heart and sing I will worship You my King Earth and Heaven now proclaim Jesus Christ the mighty name Through the storm and raging sea I will never be alone When my hope seems out of sight I know You will shine Your light Alleluia(x3) Alleluia to Christ the Lord (repeat) blogged at: 2:07 PM Thursday, July 3, 2008 As u can see from my title... 1st lesson of the day and I got scolded! >.< Very 'lucky' huh? xD The teacher was so mad when I tried to argue back. She bang the table and shouted "shut up!" outside the staff room. x.x Anyway its settled now so I don't really want to talk about it. I am so forgetful today!! I realised that I forgot to bring my school uniform home when I already reached Jurong. Had to take a taxi back to school just to collect my uniform. Anyway Aaron waited for me at the school lobby just to pass my uniform to me. Thanks!! =)) As usual, I went to gym after that. Its just another 2 months++ to the Mid-Course examination. Work hard everyone and get promoted to JC2. Do not get filtered out by the system and sign up for the pegasus membership! xD 030708 blogged at: 9:19 PM Tuesday, July 1, 2008 I took the early dismissal form today as I was very very tired due to the lack of sleep last night =( Went straight home and I really had a good sleep. Went to ice-skate with Shi Hui in the evening. I enjoyed skating there! =D Had not been skating for a few months I supposed x.x Met one of Shi Hui's friend. I forgot her name though. Sorry! >.< Anyway, Shi Hui and her friend were tempting me to figure skate rather than hockey skating. I will never go into figure skating. I rather remain as a hockey skater! xD You all should know the reason. Lolz. I am so tired now. Physically and mentally. Shall have a good rest. Bye! 010708 blogged at: 10:50 PM |
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