Monday, June 30, 2008 Have I did something wrong? What actually happened? I am not able to express in words though. Haiz... I am totally shocked and confused. What is happening actually? I really do not know what to say now. What I can say is I am very very confused. =( Good Night All. 300608 blogged at: 11:10 PM Sunday, June 29, 2008 Went to party world at woodland civics centre today to meet with Gladys, Stephanie, Jermaine, Martin, Ray and Eddy =DD I made 2 new friends today. They are Shi Min and Mei Yan (2 very nice girls) Nice to know you two! =)) The girls decided to cook instead of eating out. So we went to NTUC to buy some groceries. Jermaine had to go off. Martin and Stephanie followed him. I walked with them to Macdonalds. Chat for a while as the rest were choosing the groceries. Went to Ray house and the girls started cooking. Ray cooked one of the dishes too! I didnt expect the girls to be able to cook and serve! The dishes were also delicious! Totally unbelievable! xD Went home straight after that. Enjoyed myself today =)) 290608 blogged at: 10:54 PM I am so happy okay! Finally our class can be with 23c. Thanks sukanyaa! lolz. Thanks to you and your nonsense and we are with 23c. =DD Okay. Anyway I really had a good sleep today. I love sleeping!! (Don't say I am a pig okay! xD) Feeling really bored now. x_x 280608 blogged at: 12:03 AM Friday, June 27, 2008 Yoz! One of the topic brought up by my friend was quite interesting so I have decided to comment on it. =) A friend of mine was saying that guys are jerks because they always play with girls feelings. The other 2 agreed with her. But i totally disagree with them! x.x That is a bias statement! Not all guys play with girls feelings and we are not jerks okay! haha. Anyway i saw two lesbians on train yesterday! When I boarded the train, I thought i saw two couple hugging and touching each other. I didnt really bother at first. However, I realised that both of them were actually female after some time. I really dont understand why people of the same gender will fall for each other x.x I will never forget Newton's third law. =PP Okay. I am tired now! GOOD NIGHT ALL! =) 270608 blogged at: 11:49 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2008 Hello all! I am back!! =D School had started and I do not have enough sleep again. x.x It was nice seeing all my friends in school! I really enjoy talking to them! =) Anyway i have made up my mind TO STOP USING VULGARTIES and I mean it! (not even a single word of vulgarity) x.x I will change my habit!! Im still observing by the way and from my current observation I believe it should be right(though its still a little unclear) and I hope I am right!! xD BYE! 250608 blogged at: 11:34 PM Saturday, June 21, 2008 I shall briefly describe about the leadership day camp. I am so glad that Leonard was there. I saw Cheryl too! We had 2 workshops in the day camp. They were really useful!! I am so glad that I attended these workshops. Anyway I made 2 new friends yesterday. They are Kang Ling and Anju. Nice to meet both of you!! They are very good talkers! Enjoyed talking to both of them. We played some games in the day camp today. I partnered Kang Ling as the games require a guy and a lady to pair up. Had fun playing the games with you. =) I had never seen those games before! I really enjoyed it. Oh yes. Before i forgot. Germaine, next time I shall see u with make-up outside okay?! xD 200608 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I sense it! There is a change! A good one. But I am not very sure if I am right. I shall wait, i shall observe x.x **Im confuse! ** I hope my sense is right! Anyway, I stayed at home for the whole day so I do not have anything to describe about other than telling you I am confuse but glad =) 210608 blogged at: 11:57 PM Tuesday, June 17, 2008 HELLO ALL!! =DD Went to meet my sec sch frens at plaza singapura today x.x So long nvr see u all alr!!! (refering to yew how, yong hong, jason and yu yang!! x.x) we watched kungfu panda though i alr watched it once xD Btw sorry angela!! I alr left dhoby ghaut when u called!! >.< sorry i didnt inform u ealier! sorry! Went straight to orchard after tt to do some things =) after tt rush all the way to Downtown East coz hui xin invited me to chalet. Was soooo tired when i reached there >.< bt i force myself not to slp if nt my new frens will think im an emo kia xD i noe a few more frens there. Yumi, Alicia, Sheryl, Charmaine, hsien ern and nicholas!! (they are super friendly la =D) Nice to meet all of you! Had fun bbq-ing too! =D Went home after tt. Btw i also want to apologize to gladys. Sorry i didnt meet u all today. Really sorry! Will make up for tt. I promise =) Once again.. Nitez all!! =)) 170608 blogged at: 11:26 PM Monday, June 16, 2008 Its late and i wan slp now. I shall briefly describe my day x.x Reach sch at 12pm for chinese extra lesson today. The extra lesson ended at arnd 2pm. Ben n me headed down to plaza singapura to meet aaron for lunch. I was surprised to see Angie at PC Bunk. Angela was there also. Chat chat a while then Ben and I went to meet aaron. Ate at burger king and aaron left in a hurry coz he gt appointment.(so fast leave.. didnt even have the chance to talk to u x.x) Saw Jamie at burger king. Look so different la! First time see her put make up xD. After lunch, Ben rushed off too coz he had to meet his frens at pasir ris so i went back to pc bunk to meet angie and angela. I had a great time disturbing both of them xD (makes me seems very bad huh? xD) Sophie came after sometime. Btw i saw xiao zhao at plaza singapura too!! Nvr see u for such a looong time alr! I promise i will meet u all soon! But not this holiday! SO SORRY! Went straight to meet Gladys and Steph at party world. Gladys.. ur singing rocks! =D Steph also not bad huh. Now then i noe u can sing well x.x I rush home after tt. Nitez all!! =)) 160608 blogged at: 11:49 PM Saturday, June 14, 2008 Went to see a doctor in the morning. N guess wat? I hopped all the way from my house to the clinic. Hopped with 1 leg x.x The doctor said i injured my muscles and veins. I was given painkiller and a cream to apply. I just hop and hop whenever i need to move around. Nothing interesting today. Anw my leg is swollen now. Doesnt even look like my leg. It looks fat xD I hope my leg will recover soon. Still have extra lessons nxt week. Hope i can at least limp instead of hopping around like a one-legged kangaroo >.< Anw im relieved to hear tt Jermaine's prob was settled =) I have nothing more to post. Shall sleep now =D Nitez!!! 130608 blogged at: 12:00 AM Thursday, June 12, 2008 Anw my post will not be very detailed coz my leg is really really pain! I hurt a few veins and i hope my bone didnt crack or fracture >.< I shall tell u briefly how i injured my leg at the later part of the post x.x Okay. I shall begin =). Went for martial arts day camp early in the morning. Reach there by 7.50a.m. Only 2 J1 from taekwondo came (me and titus) pathetic huh? >.< Quite a number of wushu members attended.. We started with captain's ball. It was quite fun. After that we had break and it was taekwondo training! Wushu also join in our training. The J2s from tkd arrived at around this time. Only 1 join in the training coz the rest wanted to study. Thank you for coming J2s!! =D The tkd coach taught some basics kicks like front kick and turning kick so tt the wushu can have a feel on how tkd is like x.x We had lunch after tt!! x.x I was sooooo hungry by then xD We had more than enough noodles but we had very very little add-ons(eg fishball). N u guess wat was the drink? HOT coffee!! >.< Should have ordered cold drinks instead. But nvm.. cold water from the water cooler can be a substitute for it. Though its nt really a good substitute x.x Then, it was wushu's training! The stretching was good. They had a lot of different patterns. Cant really remember them esp the 'wu bu quan'. Its like a combination of different pose. It was fun though. Finally i can get a feel of wat wushu is like xD The training ended earlier than plan. I went straight to Ray's house. Jermaine, Gladys, Martin, Steph and Eddy were there. Ray has a few siblings. (Now then i noe x.x) After tt 3 of Gladys's fren came. We played water bomb at different places (including carpark). One of Gladys's fren join us in the game. The other 2 didnt want to join in. (Forgot all their names! Sorry >.<) We had lots of fun playing. At the end, one of them took a pail of water and rush towards my direction. I jumped down from one carpark to the other and tts how i injured my leg! >.< Though i didnt feel anything at tt point in time which i wonder why.. but its really painful after i finish bathing at home! Tried using ice to ease the pain but it doesnt seem to help much. Arghh!! i have problems walking now!! ok i shall continue. After the game, we talked for a while and all of us left. Jermaine had to go becoz he had some family probs! (DONT WORRY JERMAINE. IT WILL BE FINE! I WILL PRAY FOR U!) Martin and Steph followed him home. I had dinner with Ray and Gladys. Really enjoyed chatting with both of u!!! =) Rush home by taxi after dinner. N so here am i blogging. N my leg is really painful! argh! okok i shall stop here. Kindda tired + my leg is hurting. GOODNITE ALL!! 120608 blogged at: 11:36 PM Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Well...... shall have a short post today since I have nothin much to post abt. Anw I got my pay from my teacher! $_$ I have decided to stop working for him as its quite tiring and I dun really have time for tt. The pay is very attractive la! Make me consider for such a looooooooooong looooooooooooooooong time whether i should stop working x.x Anw y isnt it raining tonite?? How I wish its raining juz like last nite! SLEEEEEPPPP UNTIL SO COMFORTABLE LA!! xD Did u all had a good nite ystd? Im sure u all did! =D (sorry i answered for u all =P) Okay really nothing to post alr. Btw i have to reach sch by 7.50am tmr x.x so I shall sleep now! =DD Gd Nite Frenz!! =) 110608 blogged at: 11:28 PM Monday, June 9, 2008 I would like to apologize to 2 person!! Sorry I didnt attend your birthday party Terence!! though i have not given u my blog url.. But ya, just want to apologize so i wont feel so bad >.< HAPPY 17th birthday!! =) AND ALSO.. Sorry for not attending your farewell party Lennart!!! WILL NOT FORGET YOU!!! Don't forget me and our classmates as well!! =)) Take Care! As usual, i slack slack and slack again today! x.x From morning till nite, i did nothing much. Just shut myself in the room, listen to musics and slack!!!~~~ >.< Boring life huh? I still miss secondary school life la. Everytime play play and play. Do nothing. Just PLAY! (other than the period when its near o lvl of coz) xDD MISS MY 8 YEARS FREN(3 years same sch, 4 yrs same class. bt this yr different sch le).. *EHEM BOY, u should noe who am i talking abt. Miss the rest of my sec sch frens also la!! >.< Miss my MI frens during PAE too! Sms them tt time. They are still damn nice la. I noe i am a lousy class chairman. Nvr organize any class outing xD. But I will definitely organize one during the December holiday!!! My current classmates also very good! Some very funny, some quite quiet bt nice x.x Only 2 gals in my class. The first reaction for any guyz who is nt in this class will be *SIEN AR* . But its not la! OUR CLASS IS VERY FUN OKAY! xDD My current schoolmates are very nice too! But some ex schmates went to poly alr. Wasted.. ANW GOT a fren though sometimes gt moodswing bt tt fren of mine is damn nice la. At least got someone to talk to! =) *EHEM u should noe who i am talking abt. =D THOSE OTHER FRENS FROM VARIOUS SCHOOLS. I ALSO MISS U ALL OKAY!! DONT SAY I BIAS!! xD Alright i shall end here today!! Cya Frenz! =D 090608 blogged at: 8:02 PM Sunday, June 8, 2008
YOOOOZ ppl.. =DD This is my 1st time blogging x.x Sooo sien la. Father nag nag and nag. >.< I must really treasure this looooooonnngggg holiday!
080608 blogged at: 3:06 PM |
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